FAQ - techtrust V1.0

FAQ - techtrust V 1.0

techtrust.ai is the only online startup directory dedicated to providing detailed information about the technologies used by startups. Our mission is to create data-driven tools that help venture capitalists identify transformative technologies with alpha potential.

Venture capitalists use our data to:

Assess AI startups for their technological innovation and competitive advantage.

Identify unique positions within the AI technology landscape to foster rapid growth.

Detect competitors within the same tech or business cluster, providing a comprehensive view of the competitive landscape.

Using our tools, you can discover detailed information about various deep tech fields that a startup covers, including the specific AI use cases they apply within different industries

You can:

  • Assess the level of innovation and uniqueness of a startup's technology.
  • Locate AI startups in your specific US state or city.
  • Find AI startups that align with your preferred funding stage.
  • Search for AI startups that have submitted a pitch deck to you.

No, at the moment, techtrust search is only available to investors and startups based in the United States.

There are two methods:

If you are logged out, you can use the 'Add AI Startup' form available in the homepage header menu to submit your company.

If you are logged in, you can click the 'Add AI Startup' button located in the upper right corner above the startup table.

We define early-stage AI startups as companies in the pre-seed, seed, or Series A funding stages, where AI is the core driver of their business. Their development stages can range from the ideation phase to product launch..

This feature is not yet available, but we're working on it. In the meantime, if you need to update your startup's information (e.g., new funding stage), please contact us at info@techtrust.ai.

Version 1.0 has filter functionality for AI Startups, industries, AI tech fields, Cities, US-states, funding stages and founding years .

In the far left column of the directory table, there is a checkbox next to each AI startup. By selecting a startup, you can add it to your shortlist and download the list afterwards.


Currently we have 1.045 Early Stage AI Startups listed on our platform.

We gather relevant information about the early-stage AI tech landscape and specific startups from various online sources. Additionally, AI startups can self-register and update their data directly on our platform.

At techtrust.ai, we rely on user-submitted data, allowing users to list and update their startups on our platform. To enhance data quality, we have developed proprietary AI algorithms that verify the accuracy and correctness of AI tech fields and industries.

If your focus industry or AI tech field is not listed, it's likely because you are the first in our database from this area. Please contact us at info@techtrust.ai, and we will add your focus area as soon as possible.