State of Early Stage

 Machine Learning

Last updated June 22nd 2023

Tech Cluster Overview

The Techtrust AI model gathers and analyzes early-stage AI start-ups data from diverse sources across the internet. Relying on over 1 million data points, our platform is on a mission to provide the most precise and up-to-dateearly-stage AI tech landscape.



Early Stage Funding


Funding size (Mrd. USD)

The overall funding size of early stage AI technology subfields can be used as a high level indicator to reflect market confidence and growth potential.

Early Stage Startups


Early Stage Startups

The overall size (number of companies) of early-stage AI technology subfields can be used as a measure to assess market maturity and competitive landscape for informed investment decisions.

Innovation Dynamics


Published Researched papers

The year over year growth of published research papers highlight provides an high level indicator for the innovation-  and research-dynamics of a certain technology-field.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence that enables computers to learn from data and improve their performance without explicit programming. Through pattern recognition, ML algorithms identify meaningful relationships in vast datasets, allowing them to draw conclusions and make predictions. This capability finds extensive applications in various industries. In business, ML is instrumental in customer behavior analysis, facilitating personalized marketing and demand forecasting. Additionally, it optimizes supply chains, enhances fraud detection, and automates repetitive tasks, unlocking unprecedented efficiency and productivity gains. simulation, making it a compelling area for investment.

Tech Cluster Deep Dive

Last Updated June 22nd 2023

Machine Learning Startups

Most Valued Machine Learning Early Stage Start-Ups (funding in mio. USD)

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The charts’ information can be used to get a feeling for the Top Machine Learning early stage start-ups and their funding status. As an early stage VC or angel investor, knowing about these top-funded start-ups helps gauge innovation trends and potential investment opportunities more accurately.

Machine Learning Business Domains

Top 5 Business Applications of Early Stage Machine Learning by size

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The charts’ information can be used to get an overview of the most prominent business application domains within the field of early stage Machine Learning, based on the number of startups. As an early stage VC or angel investor, understanding these top domains provides valuable insights into market demand and potential areas for strategic investments.

Machine Learning Startup Funding

Top 10 Business Applications of Early Stage Machine Learning by funding

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The chart provides information about the leading business applications in early-stage Machine Learning, ranked by funding. As an early stage VC or business angel, being aware of these top applications is crucial for identifying lucrative opportunities, understanding market trends, and making informed investment decisions.

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