Next in AI Community Event
techtrust AI Pioneer Community

Next in Neuro AI - Pioneer Spotlight

November 8th, 6pm - 7.30 pm CET

Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic

Neuroscientist, Ex-Max-Planck-Institute for Brain Research

Topic: Gating Technology & Conscious AI

Topic: Gating Technology & Conscious AI

Gating technology has the opportunity to replace deep learning as the leading AI model architecture. With this new tech, the AI will exhibit higher levels of intelligence and will act more similar to how animals and humans interact with the world. This will also open the possibility for AI to become conscious.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic

With a Ph.D. in psychology and a degree in civil engineering, Danko Nikolić was associated with the Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research and was a research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies. The main motives for his studies are the explanatory gap between the brain and the mind, and strong AI. His insights in how the physical world of neuronal activity produces the mental world of perception and cognition led him to propose a novel method for development of artificial intelligence.

Agenda November 8th

6 pm: State of Early Stage AI Update

6.10 pm: Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic – Gating Technology & Conscious AI

6. 45 pm: Questions & Answers

What is this event series about

On our virtual stage startups and researchers from various subfields of Artificial Intelligence unveil their innovations and explore the profound impact they will have on industries and societies.